The effect of some bio-ecological parameters on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis with potato in West Azarbaijan Province

Document Type : Complete paper



Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an important role in promotion of plant growth as well as increasing plant tolerant to abiotic and biotic stresses. Because of this, special attention was paid to AMF in sustainable agriculture. Biotic and abiotic factors can affect the development of the mycorrhizal relationship. To evaluate the effect of some bio-ecological parameters, on activity of AMF in potato fields, 31 samples of either bulk or rhizosphere soil were collected from potato field of West Azerbaijan province in August 2013. In each farm, some detail information about the potato varieties, crop yield, crop rotation program and applied fertilizers were provided. The population of AMF spores in soil and root colonization (%), EC, PH, soil texture in each sampled farm were determined. Overall, a positive relation was observed between the root colonization percentage and density of AMF spore in soil with crop yield. In both monoculture and potato-legume rotations AMF colonization was improved. The AMF colonization was also affected by different types of used fertilizers, crop rotation and soil microorganisms.


Main Subjects

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