Comparable application cultural, biological and chemical control of pests, diseases and weeds in rice

Document Type : Complete paper


1 PhD Candidate, University of Tehran, IRan

2 Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Mazandaran, Iran


The aim of this study was to comparable application cultural, biological and chemical control methods of pests, diseases and weeds in rice among paddy farmers in Sari County. A sample of 260 farmers was selected by using proportional random sampling method. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire. Validity of questionnaire was confirmed by Agricultural Jihad experts of Sari County and some faculty members at University of Tehran. Cronbach’s alpha was used to estimate the reliability which founding to be acceptable. According to the findings, farmers’ awareness of pests, diseases and weeds control methods in the 53.5% of paddy farmers is relatively high. The most of the paddy farmers in order to crop pests management applicated cultural and chemical control methods. In addition, biological control practices had allocated last priority to itself. In order to control of rice diseases, the most of them used cultural and chemical control methods. In contrast paddy farmers didn’t use biological practices to control of rice diseases. The most of farmers applicate weeds cultural and chemical control methods, in contrast, biological practices to weeds control had allocated last priority to itself.


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